Sunday 23 April 2017

                                               SECCIÓN BILINGÜE

            Coordinadora: Mª Dolores Hoyas Solis

      La Sección Bilingüe empezó en nuestro centro hace ocho años con un grupo de alumnos. En la actualidad tenemos ocho grupos, dos por cada nivel.

A lo largo de estos años nuestra Sección Bilingüe ha ido contando con distintas asignaturas no lingüísticas adscritas al programa: Música Ciencias Sociales, Matemáticas, Tecnología,  Ciencias Naturales  y Física y Química.

En cuanto  a la asignatura de inglés, los alumnos de la sección tienen el mismo currículo que el resto, observándose las siguientes diferencias:
  • Su horario semanal se incrementa en un período lectivo adicional para la enseñanza de inglés.
  • Cuentan con el apoyo de un auxiliar de conversación una hora a la semana.
  • Un tercio de dos de las asignaturas de su currículo se imparten en inglés.


Aparte de los objetivos generales reflejados en nuestra programación, en nuestro proyecto  de la sección bilingüe el objetivo prioritario es el de poder capacitar a nuestros alumnos para que adquieran las habilidades comunicativas esenciales  para desenvolverse en la vida real.


1º ESO: Matemáticas y Ciencias Sociales
2ª ESO: Tecnología y Ciencias Naturales
3º ESO: Tecnología, Física y Química y Ciencias Sociales
4º ESO: Matemáticas Y Ciencias Sociales.

Este año hay que añadir la implantación de la sección bilingüe al ciclo superior Gat 1º.


  • Recepción y Reservas.
  •  Estructura del Mercado Turístico.


Los criterios de admisión del alumnado a la sección bilingües respetan los establecidos con carácter general.  Si el número de alumnos supera la ratio,  deben realizar y superar una prueba escrita que constará de contenidos gramaticales, vocabulario y comprensión auditiva.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Science project

Science Project:
 This time, Silvia Jiménez Martín, a pupil from 3rd ESO A has made a presentation about Oil. Here it is:

Science Project


This year in one of the Science class we have dealt with two types of energies: renewable and non-renewable .
We have focused on their advantages and disadvantages.
Here we show one piece of work made by : Raúl Alvarado Díaz 2ºESO B

Saving energy

Why save energy?

· The 86% of energy that we consume, comes from non-renewable sources.

· It is important because energy is expensive.

· When we produce energy we pollute the environment.

· It causes problems as the landscape changes, adverse effects on living things
living (radiation, emissions, noise).

· The mode of transport, extract and consumption of this energy affects the environment.

Tips for saving energy


Electricity is one of the most important energy at home and represents 18% of energy consumption in spanish houses.

There are different types of bulbs: halogen, incandescent, fluorescent and low consumption.

Saving energy in lighting

1. Don’t use electricity if is not necesary. Use the sun light!.

2. Painting the walls of your house with light colours will take a more advantage of natural light.

3. Reduce the use of lights that are used solely for decoration, such as LED bulbs garden or Christmas lights.

4. Do not leave lights on in places where we are not.

5. Replace incandescent light bulbs with low power consumption.

Home appliances.

Before buying an appliance, you must be aware that there are 7 different types of energy efficient appliances.
To identify these types of appliances the European Union has created the energy label

The energy label classifies appliances according to their efficiency. A class A +++ appliance is very efficient and consumes a little amount of energy. However, a class D is not very efficient.

This is an energy label:


The refrigerator is the most important appliance in homes. But it consume a lot of energy.
If we make an efficient and responsible energy consumption we can reduce this consumption, which will affect our pocket and the environment.

Saving Energy with refrigerator

1. We recommend a refrigerator Class A +++, which is more efficient and saves more energy.

2. Do not place the refrigerator near appliances that emittes heat, such as furnaces, to keep cold.

3. It is recommended to clean the refrigerator once a year.

Washing machine.

The washer is another very important element in our home. This appliance has a high power consumption, but with a few simple habits we can reduce it. It is the appliance that consume the biggest amount of energy after the fridge and the TV. Its usage is estimated between 3 and 5 times a week.

Saving Energy with the washer.

1. A +++ class washers consume very little and wash well.

2. It is recommended to wash with cold water, 90% of the energy used to heat the water.

3. If you can, don’t use the dryer. Take advantage of the heat from the sun, which is free and no power is consumed!

4. There are washing machines that use a water probe, measure the level of contamination of water and do not change until it is needed. This type of washer saves water and electricity.

5. It is recommended to clean the filter, you save energy and improving their performance.

6. If you buy a washing machine, buy a program to half load and save energy.

7. You have to fill the washing machine, in each cycle is spent between 120 and 220 liters of water.

8. The spin consumes much less power than the dryer.


Today, it is rare not to find a dishwasher in a home. It is used almost daily.
Like the washer, 90% of the electrical energy used to heat the water.
Fortunately, some dishwasher uses the heat of the last wash for drying and this feature saves a lot of energy.

Saving Energy with the dishwasher.

1. Choose a dishwasher with a more energy efficient labeling of the class

2. Fill the dishwasher to capacity. Do not turn it on until it is completely full!

3. All clarify the dishes in the tap before putting them in the dishwasher. Do not do it with hot water.

4. Try removing dry food scraps from dishes

5. If your dishes are not very dirty use a cheap or low temperature program.

6. Use a dishwasher with a size suitable to your needs.

Small appliances.

This category includes mixers, grinders ...
Such devices usually have low power. But the appliances that produce heat such as toasters, irons or hair dryers consumes a lot of energy.

Saving Energy with small appliances.

1. Take the heat generated by the iron for a good pile of clothes.

2. Do not turn on a device if you aren’t going to use it.

3. Many times we can avoid the fan by simply opening the window.Try it!

The TV and the computer

The TV

Today in almost all the houses there is more than one TV. Its power is not great but its use is practically constant in the home.
Televisions represent 10% of electricity consumption of Spanish families.

The current trend is that most households acquire TVs larger screen, more features... But those TVs consumes a big amount of energy.

A common mistake is leaving the TV on standby state when not in use for a while.
That state consumes a lot of energy. Its recommended turn off the TV if you aren’t watching it.

The computer

Almost all Spanish houses have a computer, as it is a useful tool for all family members.

The screen is the computer’s component that consumes the biggest amount of energy. It is recommended to purchase computers with the ENERGY STAR label, this type of PC can turn off the screen when it detects that you are not using the computer and their energy is at most 15%

Saving Energy with the TV and the computer

1. Buy printers to print double-sided.You will stop deforestation!

2. When you aren’t using a computer, turn off the computer’s screen.

3. Use screensaver dark colors, are the least energy consuming

Thursday 23 April 2015

English and American Festivities

  El departamento de inglés ha preparado actividades con los distintos grupos , algunas de ellas relacionadas con las fiestas Americanas y Británicas.

1st Activity:  Zac introduces himself and presents his country and state

2nd Year students make their own presentation about our region and Cáceres

2nd activity :  HALLOWEEN

All the students enjoyed Halloween in class.
Here there are some Halloween videos, they are quite scary, our favourite is the first one.

walkie talkie

3rd Activity : Thanksgiving

Zac showed us a presentation about how they celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA:

4th Activity: Christmas.

Zac taught us one of his favourite Christmas carol, we learnt it, and we sang with Zac

Christmas Carols "Twelve Days Of Christmas"



On the twelve day of Christmas________________________El duodécimo día de navidad
 my true love sent to me ______________________________Mi amor verdadero me envió                                                        
Twelve drummers drumming__________________________Doce tamborileros tamboreando
Eleven pipers piping_________________________________Once gaiteros tocando
Ten lords a-leaping__________________________________Diez señores brincando
Nine ladies dancing_________________________________Nueve señoras bailando
Eight maids a-milking_______________________________Ocho criadas ordeñando
Seven swans a-swimming____________________________Siete cisnes nadando
Six geese a-laying__________________________________Seis ocas poniendo
Five golden rings___________________________________Cinco anillos de oro
Four calling birds__________________________________Cuatro pájaros llamando
Three french hens__________________________________Tres gallinas francesas
Two turtle doves___________________________________Dos tórtolas
And a partridge in a pear tree._________________________Y una perdiz en un peral

He also showed us a presentation about how people in Arizona celebrate Christmas;

5th Activity: Easter
We were dealing with Easter in class. Zac showed us this slideshow


Story Telling

 Third year students write their own stories . We have selected some of them:

      His moans of pain cut the cold of the night. Nobody listened , nobody witnessed how snow very representative of winter , was dying of carmine. Nobody saw that a little boy was bleeding slowly, almost unconscious from the cold He was just finding shelter in the eternal dream opposite  him. A little life was extinguishing the last night of the year , while everyone was happy celebrating New Year's Eve with their families and friends. Meanwhile , this child was dying with only the company of the snow angels that were falling from the sky and it was making a cold and beautiful death bed. The boy was feeling that he was dead when he heard his name . He thought it was a joke of his mind but he heard it again. It really was his name pronounced by a voice that sounded so familiar like . He couldn't identify the voice but everytime it sounded more and more . The last thing that he saw before he died , was his scared and hysterical mother's face. He didn't die alone. He died happyly. At that time the cold night air was broken by an agonized cry of a mother who had lost her son.

                                                                        By Beatriz Rodríguez Vacas.


     Ruth has always been a happy , smiley and sociable girl, but that week changed the way she was. It was Monday, a rainy and windy one. The school was empty because of the Easter holidays. Ruth was meeting a guy there. Unfortunately , he didn't appear.The disappointed girl decided to spent the rest of the morning in a lonely park. Suddenly, the wind stopped and a dense fog surraunded the place . Brown leaves started to fall down . The girl thought it was very weird , so she decided to walk home. The next morning she woke up too happy because she was meeting her best friend in front of the strange park , but the girl didn't show up. Ruth was very confused . However , the day was sunny and warm so she went there , but now it was less dense. The blond girl , worried , went home. There , she started to think about what had happend in the park. As the days were passing she was still going to that park. Now it was Sunday , and the poor girl was very frightened. The reason was that the day before she had seen a person through the fog. The brave Ruth put on her jacket and went to the park again. This time there wasn't fog. But she saw a man at the end of the green grass. Her popped out of their sockets when the man ran after her shouting " You went into the fog , you deserve to die again and again" When the man caught her , he beheaded her and hung the head in a tree. The man smiled and disappeared in the road with the girl's body. Nobody knows who the man was and where the body is , but people in the village say: Don't walk alone or bad things will come with a little fog.
                                                                               By María Márquez Domínguez


“This is not your home, not your world , not the place where you should be . And you understand deep in your heart though you didn´t want to believe.”

(Laura Gallego García)

That day was one of those days that you think about if you have something to do in this life , if you really belong to this place , if someone out there is going to rescue you or maybe this is just a joke of destiny.

Those days that you sit on your bed and you listen to music and read till…I don´t know… ten o´clock in the evening?

So, that day I woke up at seven o´clock , like everyday  I have classes .

-Hannon!!- My mother shouted. . She always shouts in the morning and that makes me ask : Why? , Why do you have to shout mom? But I asked it to me , it´s dangerous to reply my mother when she´s shouting.- Have you made your bed ??!!- Yes , of course I´ve made it . I make my bed every day.

-Yes mom , I have made it…- I answered. Normal mother , normal conversation. I think.

I get dressed , brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

 I didn´t have breakfast because my sister Joanie says that is bad to have breakfast at seven o´clock , so I took a sandwich to eat it at “ The First Break” , the bar next to the high school.

I don´t really know why do I listen to my sister , normally she´s a bit crazy…

So , why do I follow her advices? Because:

1.- Joanie is my mother´s favorite . Sometimes you want to be someone ´s favorite

2.-The prettiest sister is Joanie. I´m trying to be pretty , like she is.

3.-All our high school´s guys like her.

I would like Kyle to love me , but he is in love with my sister like everyone.

I would like to be the girl he likes , to be what he needs and to be the person he would ever love.

I think these are good reasons to follow her stupid advices.

While  I was in Joanie´s car I was thinking about me.  If life is a play and we are actors , Why is my dialogue this ugly disaster?

Joanie´s dialogue is perfect: Brilliant girl , pretty , sociable , nice , confident ( so confident ) , clever and a bit crazy , that point of irrationality makes her perfect.

My dialogue… : Non- brilliant girl, pretty? Not too much , shy , quiet and responsible .

And I´m in love with someone that never really would love me. Joanie doesn´t have this problem , every guy is in love with her.

Maybe Ryan , my best friend , it´s the good part of the dialogue . Perhaps there´s a happy moment in some scene of the play.

I said goodbye to my sister and gave her five dollars . She always forgets her money.

When I went to science laboratory , Ryan was waiting for me ,

-Heey Hannah.

-Please –I said – Don´t call me Hannah . Don´t do it.

-Oooookay . But it´s a good name . Don´t it?

- No, Ryan. No

 And I started to study birds cells.

After an hour and a half I went out with Ryan . I was so hungry…

I ate my sandwich and a cup of tea in the bar. Then I returned to class. Three more hours of classes.

When the bell rang I couldn´t believe it . Last two classes were horrible, my sister´s friends were making a party , that Saturday at eight o´clock in the evening , in Dylan´s house . They didn´t invite me , but they invited some people in my class. I can understand that I´m not so funny , but…  DYLAN IS MY SISTER´S BOYFRIEND !!!!

When I asked Joanie about the party she said I was invited , well , she really said this:-Oh, no Hannon. Of course you´re invited , you´re my sister , but it´s a party of people of my class.

-No –I said – There are some people in my class who are going to go to the party.

-I don´t think so baby. Only my class, but if you want to go… You can.

I was thinking about going to the party , but I knew that my sister didn´t want it , so I decided to be in my house reading books.

Books. My favorite army.

I like to read so much as I like to breath and my heart likes to beat.

I was all the afternoon reading my new book , Summer . It was about a girl , Belly, who doesn´t thinks she´s pretty  and interesting , but she doesn´t know that the best boy of the novel , Conrad, is in love with her.

That book made me think about me . Maybe we think that our dialogue in the play isn´t good and we don´t know that it is a little big world . Our world , the place where we can be ourselves , the place where nobody can change our opinions , the description that we can rewrite.

I thought that perhaps I don´t belong to the place where I am right now, but I know that I can always change the direction of my meteorite.

I thought that I could find a boy who loves me , I thought that life is good even if it is the worst life in the world.

And love? As Ed Sheeran said , “ People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of hand…”

Everything is a mystery until you decide to solve it . I´m so happy to solve the mystery of my life.

By Lucía Navas Sánchez-Seco.